BWTM and TC Re-accreditation Training Evidence

Thank you for your enrolment to complete Main Roads WA temporary traffic management re-accreditation training with AusQ Training.

Those who seek re-accreditation will need to provide documentary evidence of active engagement in the industry.  Evidence provided must be within the previous 12 months.

To finalise your enrolment, please submit your evidence below.

For Basic Worksite Traffic Management (BWTM), Traffic Controller (TC), and Worksite Traffic Management (WTM) accreditation levels, documentary evidence of experience must include;

  1. Details of a minimum of 3 worksites with a supervisor’s contact details that can be verified.  Details required to provide will include the date of work, site location and suburb, description of works, contractor, supervisor name and contact details; and
  2. A completed and signed site specific SWMS, JSA or other hazard assessment used on a worksite by the applicant

Once the evidence is received, it is the responsibility of AusQ Training to examine the evidence provided to ensure it meets the required industry standards.  In the event there are any doubts regarding the documented evidence or competency of the attendee, additional training and assessment may be deemed required.

The applicant must submit the above documented evidence prior to attending the re-accreditation course.   If evidence cannot be provided before training, the applicant will be required to undertake the full course.

Documented evidence must be submitted at the time of enrolment and at least ten (10) working days prior to the training date.  This will ensure evidence is submitted with sufficient time for our team to complete the verification process and confirm your enrolment.

NOTE: If you are not able the supply the required evidence, please note a Basic Worksite Traffic Management (BWTM) Re-accreditation Non-Practitioner pathway may suitable. People that do not directly undertake TTM roles at worksites, such as parking inspectors, surveillance officers, grader operators, verge mowers, etc., but have previously gained BWTM accreditation may find it difficult to provide evidence of active industry engagement when applying for re-accreditation. In these cases rather than re-sitting the full BWTM course, they may sit the refresher course and gain BWTM non-practitioner accreditation without the need to provide evidence of industry experience. For more information please contact our Customer Support team to discuss alternative pathways.


Please use this form below to submit your evidence.


  • Please ensure you provide the full legal name of the participant who is completing training, as per the enrolment.
  • Details of a minimum of 3 worksites with a supervisor’s contact details that can be verified. 

  • Worksite 1

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Worksite 2

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Worksite 3

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • A completed and signed site specific SWMS, JSA or other hazard assessment used on a worksite by the applicant

    Please ensure you upload a copy of the full document including all pages, ensure writing is legible and signed by the participant.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, docx, Max. file size: 80 MB, Max. files: 3.
    • If you have any additional information about your documented evidence supplied, please use the field above.