How To Renew Your Traffic Management Accreditation

What You Need To Know To Renew Your Accreditation

It is a requirement to renew your Main Roads WA traffic management accreditation every three (3) years.

Re-accreditation is required to ensure that practitioners are kept up-to-date with any changes in legislation, standards and guidelines.  It also allows to remain current with changes in technology and work practices over the previous three year period. The extent of training required for re-accreditation is related to the applicant’s level of day-to-day traffic management exposure.

Those who seek re-accreditation will need to provide evidence of active engagement in the industry.  Evidence provided must be within the previous 12 months. This may include written evidence of their work experience and/or employer / client references. Applicants must have achieved statements of attainment in the current units of competency prior to being re-accredited.  Applicants are also required to provide a copy of these certificates or alternatively a copy of their USI Transcript.

Those seeking re-accreditation will have three (3) months after their accreditation has expired, to remain eligible to attend a re-accreditation course. Failing to complete re-accreditation training within the available three (3) months grace period, will then result in the individual having to attend the full course.  Therefore it is very important to renew your accreditation on time to avoid additional time or costs.

Once your traffic management accreditation has expired, you are unable to continue performing those tasks until re-accreditation training is successfully completed.

Applicants seeking to renew their Main Roads WA Event Traffic Controller (ETC) accreditation will be required to re-sit the full Main Roads WA Event Traffic Controller training course.

How To Check Your Accreditation Details & Expiry Date

Main Roads WA Graduate Search is the only official register for all Main Roads WA Accreditations. Within 5 working days of completing your training, your accreditation details will appear on the Graduate Search. This is helpful for employers wanting to verify accreditation details and to check your expiry details. Those that are not listed have either not been issued with an accreditation or have expired or had their accreditation withdrawn.

Check your Main Roads WA accreditation details click here.

Example Accreditation Card
Below is an example of an accreditation card and how to read the accreditation number listed on the back.

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