With the release of the Main Roads WA Works on Roads Code of Practice May 2022 we saw the removal of “provisional accreditation” and a new accreditation introduced: Basic Worksite Traffic Management Non-Practitioner.
This one (1) day reaccreditation course is for participants who holds current BWTM accreditation however, do not directly undertake temporary traffic management roles at worksites, such as parking inspectors, surveillance officers, grader operators and verge mowers etc. But they have previously gained BWTM accreditation and are finding it difficult to provide evidence of active industry engagement when applying for a BWTM Re-accreditation. In these cases, rather than re-sitting the full BWTM course, they may sit a reaccreditation course and gain a more restrictive BWTM Non-Practitioner accreditation without the need to provide evidence of industry experience. Read more.
Since then, we have had received various questions, and some confusion around this accreditation level, including:
- Who is suited for BWTM Non-Practitioner Training?
- What does the BWTM Non-Practitioner accreditation allow you to do?
- What option is best for me if I am unable to provide documentary evidence of experience from the past 12 months?
- I currently hold a BWTM & TC Accreditation – Is there a non-practitioner pathway for the Traffic Controller component?
- My BWTM & TC accreditation has not expired yet can I go obtain the required evidence and supply it to support my reaccreditation training?
Let us help you learn more about the Basic Worksite Traffic Management Non-Practitioner Accreditation, what it means and what is involved when you are looking at which option is best for your reaccreditation training needs.
Traffic Management Reaccreditation Training
As per the Main Roads WA Provision of Service Agreement:
Re-accreditation of all traffic management accreditation holders is required every three (3) years, following which it is a requirement that ‘refresher training’ is undertaken to maintain accreditation with Main Roads WA.
Re-accreditation training is required to ensure that practitioners are kept up to date with any changes in legislation, standards, guidelines and changes in technology and work practices over the previous three-year period.
Those who seek re-accreditation will need to provide evidence of active engagement in the industry within the previous 12 months. For Traffic Controller, Basic Worksite Traffic Management, Worksite Traffic Management and Operate TMA accreditation, documentary evidence of experience must include as a minimum:
- details of a minimum 3 worksites with a supervisor contact details that can be verified,
- a completed and signed site specific SWMS, JSA or other hazard assessment used on a worksite by the applicant.
Read more on traffic management reaccreditation training changes and evidence requirements [click here]
Basic Worksite Traffic Management – Non-Practitioner
People who do not directly undertake temporary traffic management roles at worksites, such as parking inspectors, surveillance officers, grader operators, verge mowers, etc., but have previously gained BWTM accreditation may find it difficult to provide evidence of active industry engagement when applying for re-accreditation. In these cases, rather than re-sitting the full BWTM course they may sit the refresher course and gain BWTM non-practitioner accreditation. This will allow them to implement signs and devices associated with short term low impact works, see AGTTM Part 5, that form part of a TMP.
Who is suited for BWTM Non-Practitioner Training?
People who do not directly undertake temporary traffic management roles at worksites, such as parking inspectors, surveillance officers, grader operators and verge mowers etc. But they have previously gained BWTM accreditation and are finding it difficult to provide evidence of active industry engagement when applying for re-accreditation.
In these cases, rather than re-sitting the full BWTM course, they may sit the reaccreditation course and gain a more restrictive BWTM Non-Practitioner accreditation without the need to provide evidence of industry experience.
What does the BWTM Non-Practitioner accreditation allow you to do?
A BWTM Non-Practitioner level of accreditation, does come with restrictions, as it is not a full BWTM level of accreditation. You will only be accredited to implement signs and devices associated with short term low impact works, see AGTTM Part 5 and section 8 of the MRWA Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice, that form part of a TMP.
Example of signage: Worker (symbolic), Grader Ahead, Road Plant Ahead or Roadwork Ahead.
What option is best for me if I am unable to provide documentary evidence of experience from the past 12 months?
If you have achieved your Basic Worksite Traffic Management accreditation 3 years ago, and since then have not been actively using accreditation, however, it is a requirement of your role to ensure this accreditation is kept current. Due to many not being able to provide documentary evidence, Main Roads WA introduced BWTM Non-Practitioner pathway.
I currently hold a BWTM & TC Accreditation – Is there a non-practitioner pathway for the Traffic Controller component?
Unfortunately, not. If you wish to retain your Traffic Controller accreditation you will be required to supply the applicable evidence of active engagement in the industry. If you hold a current BWTM and TC and you complete the BWTM Non-Practitioner course, your Traffic Controller component will not be able to be used once it expires without complete the full Traffic Controller course.
My BWTM & TC Accreditation has not expired yet can I go obtain the required evidence and supply it to support my reaccreditation training?
You are able to actively use your accreditations until they expire. We encourage you to work with a Traffic Management Contractor and or your employer to obtain the evidence prior to your reaccreditation course.
Do you need training?
AusQ Training offer a range of courses to assist you in the traffic management or construction industry, in Perth, Bunbury and all over WA – to view our range of public training courses [click here] or view our calendar here.
Make a time to chat to one of our Customer Support Team members [here] to discuss your traffic management training needs.