Main Roads WA have recently sent an alert noting that some traffic management companies maybe procuring substandard temporary traffic management signs that do not comply with Australian Standards and / or Main Roads WA Specifications.
Do you know how and where to check sign standards?
The standards and specifications for the face of signs used for controlling vehicular and pedestrian traffic shall comply with AS 1742 – Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Parts 1 – 15) and the Main Roads Index of Signs (Categories 1 & 3). AS 1742.1 sets out the basic design of signs in terms of colours, size, shapes and makes reference to other AS 1742 relevant parts for use of sign sizes.
Are you sourcing your signs from an APPROVED sheeting manufacturer?
Substandard signs such as inappropriate signage reflectivity, incorrect colour, letter height issues, just to name a few – all fall outside of the requirements. This non-adherence increases the risk at worksites and to both traffic management and road worker personnel.
In line with promoting safety when driving in WA, companies are advised to deploy and or install temporary traffic management signs in accordance with the Main Roads WA Sign Specification 601:
The standards and specifications for the face of signs used for controlling vehicular and pedestrian traffic shall comply with AS 1742 – Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Parts 1 – 15) and the Main Roads Index of Signs (Categories 1 & 3). AS 1742.1 sets out the basic design of signs in terms of colours, size, shapes and makes reference to other AS 1742 relevant parts for use of sign sizes.
Why is this necessary?
The most obvious reason for implementing this requirement is to keep a safe road environment for both road worker personnel and all road users. These alerts are a timely reminder of the importance of sign standards – be sure to check yours!
Maximise the safety benefits
In addition, it helps facilitate consistency among all authorities to do regular signage maintenance to ensure high conspicuously and readability. When temporary traffic management signs are effective, they regulate a safer movement of traffic thereby less accidents.
Here’s what you can do to maximise safe traffic control especially at intersections and in work zones:
- Create an inventory of your signs and schedule an annual maintenance.
- Evaluate the efficiency of its retro reflectivity.
- Source your signs from approved accredited manufacturers. Included in the document is a list of approved sign makes and retroreflective sheeting manufacturers.
- Lastly, raise awareness. We recommend sharing this safety alert with your team. Be proactive in increasing awareness about road safety measures and rules so your team can remain safe whilst working on the roads.
Let’s help create a safer road environment, download your copy Specification 601 from the Main Roads; go to ‘Technical & Commercial’ > ‘Technical Library’ > ‘Signs Index’.
Keep up to date and stay connected…
We hope this article is helpful reminder of the importance of sourcing your signs from an approved provider.
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