Corona Virus 19 (COVID19) Information

Here at AusQ Training we have and will continue to respond to  COVID19 as required in this ever-evolving situation.  So much so, that we have opted to set up this dedicated web page outlining our measures and what we are doing.  We understand what we do today is likely to need to change and be adapted tomorrow and the next day.

Our dedicated web page will outline all of the comprehensive measures we are taking and what we require from either students or visitors, to ensure the safety of our employees, customers and community.

In line with our commitment to health and safety of our workplace and business continuity, AusQ Training is taking proactive and careful measures to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. The health and safety of all our people is our top priority.

Here is what you need to know (updated as of 3 May 2022);

COVID Mandatory Vaccination Policy

  • COVID-19 Mandatory vaccination policy – as announced by the Premier on 23 December 2021, WA workers who come under an existing COVID-19 vaccine mandate will now be required to have a third dose as part of the COVID-19 mandatory vaccination policy.  This applies to all our staff and trainers.

  • The mandatory vaccination policy applies to workers in high risk-industries, those interacting with people at an increased risk of being infected with COVID-19, or people who are vulnerable to the impacts of COVID-19, or other critical workers.

  • To participate in live working training areas such as attending a construction site and work placements in industries covered by the COVID-19 mandatory vaccination policy, AusQ Training students are required to be double vaccinated. If eligible, students are also required to have a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccination, within a month of becoming eligible.
  • AusQ Training offers a range of courses that include a range of environments such as classroom and access to live working construction worksites for training purposes, therefore only a select training courses require vaccination evidence.  There is no impact on visitors and students attending training courses where they are not accessing a live working area.
  • Students will be required to provide evidence to AusQ Training of their vaccination status before attending work placement or participating in live works training area.  Further details outlining the process to supply your evidence will be forwarded to you upon enrolment and available on the COVID19 vaccination page.

Mask Wearing

  • Mask-wearing is no longer mandatory in all public indoor settings.

Future Employment

  • The WA Government Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy now applies to occupations in many industries including construction.  Therefore, we wish to reiterate to those doing training with us, that any future employment opportunities will be subject to the above mentioned policy.

Staying Safe

  • We encourage you to keep up to date with the latest information and health advice by visiting the WA Government website;
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) and sanitisation products  have been made available to all employees and students;
  • Dedicated cleaning stations have been set up at all training facilities for staff and students to use regularly during each course and also equipment, such as vehicles;
  • Any person who has had direct/close contact with someone confirmed to have the virus and are not presenting with symptoms, must follow the latest health advice which includes, undertake daily RAT tests, wear a mask outside the home, avoid high-risk and large gatherings and should notify AusQ Training.
  • Please stay home when you are sick or experience any symptoms of being ill and contact us immediately so we can make necessary arrangements if you have scheduled training with us.  We can be contacted by various methods such as email, chat or telephone to avoid or reduce in person visits.

These requirements are being monitored regularly and are subject to change as new developments occur.

For further information and assistance, please refer to the below Government Agency websites:

  • The Western Australian Government website –
  • The Australian Government Department of Health website has up-to-date healthcare and medical information
  • The Health Direct website has frequently asked questions, and a symptom checker.
  • For details regarding travel restrictions and international travel, visit the Home Affairs website. There is also information available on the Smart Traveller website
  • COVID Clinics are now open — visit the HealthyWA website for details
  • For free advice and assistance, call the Australian Government’s Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080

We hope you stay safe, healthy and calm throughout this period and know that you can continue to rely on AusQ Training to deliver a safe and high level of service.