Charity Bike Ride for Hands Across The Water

September 2022 seen our CEO Tegan Studsor and 42 other courageous entrepreneurs travelled to Thailand to ride 500km in 5 Days to raise money for the charity organisation, Hands Across the Water.

They stuck together and pushed through extremely hot days, some rain down pours, a lot of mud, and many hills, all in the name of raising much-needed funds.

The ride took the group heading along the breath-taking Isaan Region in the north east of Thailand. Starting in the city of Bueng Karn, our group spent two days following the incredibly bio-diverse Mekong River before heading west through villages and rural communities not often visited by foreigners. Following a well-deserved rest day, the team will rode into one of the homes, Home Hug in Yasothon to be greeted excitedly by the children they have worked so hard to support.  Visiting these kids gave a first-hand glimpse into exactly how the fundraising dollars are truly making a difference.

Tegan said “We covered major highways through to dirt windy roads with a lot of pot holes. I won’t sugar coat it, it was hard and I still can’t comprehend how I completed itOn Day 4 we covered 124km, it was tough but so worth itWhat was really incredible, however, was meeting the children that myself and the other riders have worked so hard to raise money for”. 

Riders came from all over Australia, New Zealand, Nairobi and Ireland!  Everyone’s fitness levels are just as varied as our ages with the youngest rider being 15 and the oldest in their 60s, but everyone all had one common goal – to help the kids.  

We are so proud and excited to share that this year’s wonderful participants and the many supporters have been able to raise over $400,000. Every cent will be put to use, supporting children who were at risk, but now housed in one of the many Hands homes across Thailand.

“The experience was nothing short of extraordinary and something we’ll remember for years to come. It was a privilege and an honour riding with these selfless, humble and generous human beings, giving up their time, pedaling through blood, sweat and tears (literally) and each raising $5,000 each or more for Hands Across the Water.  I simply can’t explain how uplifting and inspiring this journey is and how many lifelong friends you will make along the way” said Tegan.

Visit the Hands Group website to find out more.  

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