Austroads Guides Mapping Comparison Resource


The 2019 update of AS1742.3 by Standards Australia has resulted in the removal of content from the existing standard (2009) that has been determined to be guidance material, which is not appropriate to locate within an Australian Standard. This guidance material has now been substantially transferred into the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (AGTTM) with an expansion to the guidance material based on information from Austroads member organisations.

The Guide to Temporary Traffic Management (AGTTM) is a set of comprehensive Austroads publications developed to provide a best-practice reference for the development of safe, cost-effective and efficient Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) solutions for Australia and New Zealand. Comprised of 10 parts, AGTTM is now freely available on the Austroads website click here. Practitioners are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the AGTTM and incorporate components as soon as practical.

Changes Ahead From February 2021

The AGTTM will be fully adopted in WA by 1st February 2021 (in conjunction with AS 1742.3-2019). Following this date, a cut-down version of the Code of Practice will remain as a supplement to the AGTTM. As noted above the guidance within AS1742.3 has been relocated into the AGTTM, this means the adoption of AS1742.3-2019 must coincide with the AGTTM. AS1742.3-2009 along with the Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice can continue to be used until the AGTTM is adopted in February 2021.

Key Changes Summarised

The AGTTM / AS1742.3 includes a substantial number of additions and variations to the previous standard (2009). The more significant of these are as follows:

  • Relocation of guidance material from AS1742.3 into the 10 parts of AGTTM
  • More guidance on the traffic management planning process (AGTTM Part 2)
  • More guidance on project and traffic management staging (AGTTM Part 2)
  • The requirement to use the hierarchy of movement/control, highlighting the preference to use ‘around the work area’ method (AGTTM Part 2 and Part 3)
  • More guidance on treatments for reducing traffic speeds (AGTTM Part 3)
  • Preference to use portable traffic control devices and remove traffic controllers from the roadway. Use of manual traffic control should be justified in the risk assessment
  • Inclusion of multi-message signs in AS1742.3-2019
Austroads Guides Mapping Comparison Resource Now Available

To assist stakeholders in understanding these changes, the content from AS1742.3 (2009) as well as Main Road WA documents have been mapped to identify the new location for this content in either AS1742.3 (2019) or AGTTM.


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